02/09/2023 1:15 to 3:30
02/15/2023 5:00 to 7:00
03/01/2023 5:00 to 6:30
03/08/2023 5:00 to 6:30
03/15/2023 5:00 to 6:30
03/22/2023 5:00 to 6:30
03/29/2023 5:00 to 6:30
04/05/2023 5:00 to 6:30
04/12/2023 5:00 to 6:30
04/19/2023 5:00 to 6:30

All of these sessions occurred at either my home or at a nearby Home Depot or Lowe’s. She used these spaces to introduce the dogs to being around other people, teaching them to ignore distractions.

On Wednesday, April 19, at the conclusion of our weekly training session at my home or a nearby, Ms. Tabei picked up both of my dogs and took them with her to board-and-train.

On Tuesday, May 23, I received a call from Ms. Tabei. She informed me that, after 34 days of board-and-training, one of my dogs had passed away. I called the veterinary clinic where she took the body of my dog and asked them to perform a necropsy. The vet told me that it was one of the most severe cases of dehydration that he had ever seen. He stated that she showed every single sign of heat exhaustion and that the pads of her feet where completely blistered off, and that this had occurred within the last week. The report goes into detail about the severity of my puppy’s state of dehydration when she passed. This woman abandoned my dog for days if not longer. No shelter from the sun, no food and no water. As my dog laid dying, vomiting and soiling herself, this woman refused to render aid.

Leia’s body was taken to Try-County Veterinary Services, (972) 924 3622 https://www.tricountyvetservices.com/. The attending veterinarian was Jeff Garner, DVM.

Leia was born on 08/22/2022. I acquired her from Cher Car Kennels in St. Johns, MI. http://chercarkennels.com/

Rey was born on 11/18/2022. I acquired her from Jinopo https://www.jinopo.cz/ through their US partner Alpine K9 http://www.alpinek9.com/.

Video of Rey, immediately after walking into the house after picking her up from Ms. Tabei at White Rock Coffee: VIDEO You can see her drink over a liter of water, more than her daily requirement in one long drink. This poor pup was also severely dehydrated and under-weight when we received her. She had lost a significant amount of muscle mass and was stumbling around, unable to support her own weight.

This is a VIDEO of our interaction with Ms. Tabei when we picked Rey up on Wednesday, May 24.
You can see she is wholly unrepentant. She refuses to offer an apology or explanation of her actions, only empty condolences.